hi, I'm natrix!

I know all the cool kids have carrds these days, but sadly I am not a cool kid. I am:
  • an xennial (that is, between gen x and millennials; that is, early 40s)
  • queer (genderqueer bi butch, she/they or whatever else)
  • a parent (co-parenting a 4yo with my spouse & other queer family)
  • disabled (connective tissue disorder, mental health bullshit)
  • in a permanent state of brainfog (due to the above)
  • very fond of cats and lizards and snakes
  • ("natrix natrix" is the latin name for a grass snake)
  • extremely online since like 1997
  • deeply nostalgic about the internet of the 00s
  • old, tired, and mostly just trying to get through the day